Versión en español

Revista Chilena de Anestesiología is the scientific body of the Chilean Society of Anesthesiology. It considers for publication all original articles in spanish and english. Its objective is to disseminate and publish Chilean, Latin American and worldwide knowledge on anesthesiology and its related areas.

It is a bimonthly journal (6 issues per year) that will consider issues related to anesthesiology, resuscitation, perioperative medicine, intensive care, and pain. Related basic science contents (physiology, pharmacology and others) will also be included.

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the instructions defined here, based on the guidelines suggested by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which can be reviewed at, section “Instructions for Authors.”


Articles should be uploaded in Scholastica website in the following link:

Authors should adhere to the attached instructions for submitting their manuscripts.

All manuscripts must be written in a clear language and with proper grammar. The text should be presented in a single column and in the simplest way possible. We strongly suggest you use the spelling and grammar checking functions of the word processor.The sections of the text must be a single file with a space of 1.5 in arial font size 12 without including numbering of the lines. Non-editable formats such as PDF will not be accepted.Figures and graphs should always be sent separately.

Once the manuscript is received, the corresponding author will receive a notification and a receipt code.



Submitted manuscripts will be subject to an external anonymous peer review process by two reviewers appointed by the editor (double blinded). A decision will first be made as to whether the article qualifies for review, and if so, it will be independently reviewed by the assigned persons. The authors should respond in a separate letter to any comments or modifications suggested by the reviewers.

The author of a rejected article will receive a detailed explanation of the reasons for disapproval.

Publication types include original articles, review articles, clinical cases, editorials, letters to the editor and others.



They are clinical research work, in patients or in experimental animals related to any aspect of the specialty.

The length of the text will be limited to 4000 words, excluding its structured summary (introduction, objective, material and methods, results, discussion and conclusion) in spanish and english of a maximum of 250 words with their respective keywords. A maximum of 30 references will be accepted.

A maximum of six figures and tables will be accepted.

A maximum of six authors will be allowed.

All work must have the authorization of an accredited ethics committee



They correspond to one or more cases of special interest and that are an important contribution to anesthesiological knowledge. Its maximum length will be 2000 words, excluding an unstructured abstract in Spanish and English of a maximum of 150 words with their respective keywords and a maximum of four figures and/or tables. A maximum of 10 references will be accepted.

A maximum of six authors will be accepted.

All clinical cases must have authorization from an accredited ethics committee and written informed consent.



There must be a diligent search and scrutiny of relevant and current medical literature of interest in anesthesiology in ad-hoc research sites such as Science Citation Index Expanded, PubMed NCBI, Cochrane Collaboration, Embase, Scielo, etc.

The keywords used and the years of coverage must be specified.

A maximum of 40 references may be included.

The number of authors can be up to six.

Its maximum length must be 7000 words with a maximum of six figures and tables. Authors must include an unstructured abstract of 150 words maximum, in spanish and english with their respective keywords.



It is the way readers comment their opinions and doubts about journal articles and can also be used for case reports and brief communications.

It must be in a short text of maximum 250 words, and a figure or table, with a maximum of 5 references.



  1. Section I: Title Page (page 1):

A title should be written in Spanish, another in English, and both should contain keywords in the corresponding languages. Do not use abbreviations or references.Title must be descriptive and informative of the work without private or brand names for the drugs. It must have a maximum of 12 words and must be entered in Spanish and English

Authors: Each author must be identified by their first name, last name, and middle initial (optional), highest academic degree held (MD, PhD, Mg, etc.) and referenced with a superscript arabic number. The institution to which they belong will be described with a superscript lowercase letter.

The corresponding author must indicate his name, email address and ORCID number (

It must be specified that the study has not been sent to another scientific journal.

You must specify that you adhere to bioethical principles: (see It must be established (according to the type of study) that the authors guided their investigation by the ethical principles of the World Medical Association and the Helsinki statement:

The privacy and anonymity of the patients will also be established, which is in possession of the informed consent and the consent of the Ethics Committee of its institution, and if the case, that ethical principles of experimentation in animals were respected:

Identify if there was a source of funding for the study.

Declare if there is any conflict of interest and if it influenced in the development of the study..

Finally, indicate the assignment of the intellectual property rights of the article to the Chilean Journal of Anesthesiology.

Word count in the abstract and the main text

Tables and figures count


  1. Section II: Abstracts

Abstract in English of up to 250 words, structured in the case of original articles as follows: Introduction, Objectives, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions. Four keywords should be added in the MeSH language ( and a Spanish translation that also includes four keywords in DeCS language (

  1. Section III: Manuscript

Introduction: Briefly summarize the background that gives rationale to the study and emphasize the original contribution it offers. Use only as few references as necessary. This section should end with a sentence that mentions the study’s objective. If abbreviations are used, they should be explained the first time they are mentioned.

Material and Methods: Describe the sample studied, the unit of analysis, its source of origin, and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Specify methodologies and measurement instruments used, if they are usual and known techniques, do not give details but cite the reference. If new or little-known methods are used, specify, and justify their use in more detail. The authorization of the Institutional Review Board must be attached. In clinical trials, it is also required to state that informed consent was requested from each participant. Experimental animal studies will also need the authorization of the institutional animal ethics committee. Individualize the drugs and chemical substances used by their pharmacological name and detail their dose and route of administration.

The units of measurement of the metric-decimal system should be used.

Statistical analysis section: Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to judge its appropriateness for the study and to verify the reported results. When possible, quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Avoid relying solely on statistical hypothesis testing, such as P values, which fail to convey important information about effect size and precision of estimates. References for the design of the study and statistical methods should be to standard works when possible (with pages stated). Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the statistical software package(s) and versions used. Distinguish prespecified from exploratory analyses, including subgroup analyses.

Results: Present the results logically, with tables and figures but not both for the same effect. It is recommended to present a first table describing the study sample. Refer briefly to the content of the tables, highlighting the most relevant. Evaluate the findings in the light of statistical findings: Report measurements of central tendency (mean, median, etc.), a dispersion measurement (confidence interval or similar) and a p value if is required.

Discussion: Discuss the study’s findings, highlighting the new or unexpected aspects involved, implications they may have, and contrast them with previous knowledge on the subject, using the corresponding bibliographic references. New hypotheses may be put forward in the light of the results obtained, but conclusions should not be drawn without evidence.

It is important that you include a section where you make a self-criticism of your study, the shortcomings, and limitations of the study and what is eventually perfectible.




References should be numbered according to the sequence in which they are cited in the article (Vancouver style). A superscript should indicate the citation number. Do not cite unpublished works.

Periodical journals:  List each author’s last name followed by a space and then initials without any periods. If the number of authors exceeds six, give the first three followed by “et al.” The official abbreviations of each journal should be respected. Use the following format and order to cite: Last name, authors’ initials without a period. Title of the article. Year of publication; Volume: initial and final page (abbreviate the last page and keep two digits).

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be cited for digital format journals. Example: MC.  Cincuenta años Revista Chilena de Anestesia Rev Chil Anestesia  Vol. 50 Núm. 4 pp. 549-550,


Books and monographs: Use the following order and citation format: first three authors followed by “et al.,” edition, place of publication, publisher, year of publication: initial and final page. Example: Hickey RF, Eger EL, Circulatory Pharmacology of inhalation anesthetics. In Miller RD (ed), 2nd ed., New York: Churchill-Livingstone,1986, pp.649-666.

Electronic format journals: like periodical journals. In addition, the institution that publishes the page, date of publication, date of internet access when the page was in force, and the web address with its DOI should be added. Example: Thomas EJ, Petersen LA. Measuring errors and adverse events in health care. J Gen Intern Med. 2003; 18:61-67 Available at: URL: doi:10.1046/j.1525-1497.2003. 20147.x

Electronic format books: like electronic format journals but add after the title the place of printing, publisher, date of citation [in brackets], plus electronic bookstore or internet address where it was accessed.



A figure is an illustration like a graph, a photograph, an ultrasound scan. Images and tables must be attached in the ad-hoc sections of the electronic platform and must be sent as:

– TIFF (minimum 150 dpi), PDF (minimum 150 dpi), EPS, Adobe Illustrator for vectorized illustrations, and JPG (minimum 300 dpi) files.

– Digital photos.

– Scans with resolution equal to or greater than 300 dpi.

– Graphics that have been created in Excel must be sent in that same format.

– Figures created in Photoshop must be sent in the native format of creation and with a minimum resolution of 150 dpi.

– Line art figures must have a resolution higher than 600 dpi.

In the case of videos, the link to the file (dropbox, google drive, Vimeo, we tranfer or youtube) must be included in the manuscript’s text; it is not necessary to upload the video as an attachment.


– Tables of more than four columns

– PowerPoint presentations or similar files.

– Figures previously prepared in PowerPoint or similar, later converted to other acceptable formats, such as PostScript, PDF, or JPG.

– Figures pasted into a word processor.

– Figures copied from a website or those with copyright.

Figures and tables should be numbered in consecutive order and have a title. Table cells should be 1.5 lines apart and divided with horizontal lines only at the headings of each column and the bottom border. Do not use vertical stripes to separate columns. All abbreviations and explanatory notes should be explained at the foot of the table.

Legends of figures and tables should be sent in a separate file. In the case of photographs of persons, the face or any other identifiable feature should be hidden.